Marie-Pascal Malanda Diatuka, Presidential Advisor on the Energy Transition, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Marie-Pascal was previously a technical advisor to the Minister of Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism, José Endundu, carrying out several missions on behalf of the Republic, such as her participation in the “International Conference on Sustainable Financing Mechanisms of forest ecosystems of the Congo Basin” in Tunis, Tunisia, in February 2008.

In the recent past, she was one of the women to whom the president of Together for Change, Moïse Katumbi, gave pride of place in his team, a way of promoting women.

The current president, Félix Tshisekedi, has entrusted the Congolese Agency for Ecological Transition (ACTED) to her, assisted by Jean-de-Dieu Minengu Mayulu.


H.E. Adrien Bokele Djema, Minister of Fisheries and Livestock, Democratic Republic of the Congo


H.E. Ngokwey Ndolamb, Ambassador to the UK, Demcoratic Republic of the Congo