Ammarens Bruggenkamp, Manager Energy, West Africa & MENA, FMO

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Ammarens Bruggenkamp is Manager Energy at FMO -the Dutch development bank- where she heads a responsible for energy projects in the West-Africa and MENA. The focus of her team is financing renewable energy projects, all underpinned by the FMO’s mandate of promoting the transition to a low-carbon system and promoting private sector. She has over 15 year of experience in the public and (semi) private sector in the field of Public Finance and Banking. She previously was responsible for setting up a new financing company owned by FMO and the Dutch State for Dutch companies active internationally. She also worked as an Investment Officer responsible for transactions in the field of Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Services in Africa and Asia. Prior to this, she held different roles on the strategy and policy side at FMO and the Dutch government advising on international finance.


Cheryl Buss, CEO, Absa International


Tony Clamp, Director, Private Sector Facility, Green Climate Fund