Redefinition of Agriculture
Africa’s agricultural sector is one of the world’s most diverse with unrivalled biodiversity. The well-developed commercial farming in Africa is the backbone to the continent’s agricultural economy. Agriculture plays a key role in food security in Africa and plays a crucial role to the economic sector, accounting for between 40%-65% of jobs.
Farming is expected to remain as an important source of livelihood for decades to come. Africa has unique export advantages geographically because of its location for cheap freight rates for high-volume, low-weight commodities.
For the sector to expand it needs several interventions. These include overcoming logistics and supply chain bottlenecks, implementation of new technology, improving the network infrastructure and governance in municipalities, insurance capabilities and refining the regulatory environment to encourage private sector investment in underutilised land. To re-establish capacity, functioning infrastructure and efficient logistics is key to the continent’s ambition to open export markets.
An upside, there is an imminent launch by the South African government of an Agriculture and Agro-processing Master Plan, along with a possible launch of the Land Reform Agency. For future engagements which need to happen throughout the agricultural value chain to ensure that all food products are produced in a way that is affordable, healthy, and sustainable. All collaboration efforts to mainstream sustainable agriculture between the public and private sector, the conservation looks towards an optimistic future – a future where we appreciate the value of managing our natural resources, creating renewable capabilities, and ultimately continuing our heritage and our well-being.
Gary Vaughan-Smith, Chief Investment Officer, SilverStreet Capital LLP
Lesley Ndlovu, CEO, Africa Risk Capacity