Invitation: Oxford Economics Emerging Markets & Africa Roundtable

Date: Wednesday 26th April 2023

Time: Arrive 3:50pm

Location: Westminster, London

We are fortunate to have been offered 8 complimentary places at Oxford Economics’ Emerging Markets & Africa Roundtable on April 26th in London. This is for professional investors only.

Invest Africa members can email to register interest and further details will be shared.

We are delighted to invite you to a roundtable on Emerging Markets: Crises and Opportunities, with a special session on Africa. Senior Africa Financial Economist, Irmgard Erasmus will be in London so it’s a great chance to hear her views on developments and opportunities in the region. These are small events, c20 participants so plenty of opportunity for Q&A and to discuss these topics with other investors present.

Running order:

Introduction: Gabriel Sterne, Head of Emerging Markets

Emerging Markets: Crises and Opportunities

  • Can emerging markets withstand the financial shock to AE banks and possible US recession? What EM assets can overperform?

  • Prospects for EM disinflation and EM central banks cutting rates ahead of the Fed

  • Low-income countries, many in Africa, have lost market access. Are we going to see a wave of defaults or is there value in distressed bonds?

Africa Financial Markets: Irmgard Erasmus, Senior Financial Economist & Maya Senussi, Senior Middle East Economist

  • Ghana – Fiscal risks in the post-restructuring world

  • Nigeria – The post-election policy outlook

  • Kenya – Implications of a deepening hard-currency drought

  • Angola – External trade risks as commodity price support ebbs

  • Egypt – Outlook fraught with risks amidst ongoing FX crunch

4:45pm Q&A | Chaired by Gabriel Sterne

5:05pm Drinks


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