Friends of Education Africa: Join our board of trustees and advisors

Friends of Education Africa is a registered UK charity established to primarily raise funds to meet the needs of Education Africa. Education Africa is the catalyst for enabling scalable, sustainable, digitally-enabled high-quality blended education initiatives for disadvantaged African youth and their communities.

For over 30 years, Education Africa’s motto has been to Educate - Equip - Empower and this is done through their mission to make real change happen by providing poverty alleviation through education.


  • Diversity of experience and skills

  • Be committed to the Charity’s mission

  • Have a network of suitable contacts in the UK

  • Have a passion to Educate - Equip - Empower disadvantaged African youth


Invitation: Oxford Economics Emerging Markets & Africa Roundtable


Green Climate Fund commits record US$253 million to AFC’s Infrastructure Climate Resilient Fund for Africa