Mohamed Dhorat, Co-CEO & Hedge Fund Manager, Black Mountain Investment Management - Moderator

Mohamed Dhorat

Mohamed Dhorat is an astute investor with experience in the asset management and investment banking sectors. Mohamed has a passion for financial markets, investing and building businesses. Mohamed has had an illustrious career in financial markets evidenced by various accolades and awards. In 2018, Mohamed Founded Black Mountain Investment Management along with Craig Lyall. He currently serves as Co-CEO and hedge fund manager. Mohamed started his financial career on the Equities Trading Graduate Program at Rand Merchant Bank, introducing him to areas such as operations, risk management and analytical research. Mohamed has been able to identify investment opportunities by adopting a niche, activist style of investing, applying private equity style due diligence, building comprehensive qualitative and quantitative financial models and implementing strict risk management principals.


Hasnen Varawalla, Managing Director, Co-Head, Investment Banking Origination, Absa


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