Jayne Mammatt, Partner, PwC

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Jayne is the Partner in charge of PwC South Africa’s Sustainability and Climate Change department, where she focuses on developing and delivering services in the areas of

·         sustainable development strategy, framework, practices, reporting and assurance,

·         Sustainable Development Goals

·         integrated reporting and management,

·         social and environment impact and outcomes measurement,

·         safety, health and environment risk, performance and compliance and

·         climate change risk and resilience.

Jayne is a Chartered Accountant by profession but has been working in the broad areas of corporate governance, sustainable development and climate change since 2002.  During this time, she has worked across a variety of industries including mining, oil and gas, banking, insurance, telecommunications, technology, construction, real estate and state-owned entities.

As part of her work she has also written various “thought leadership” articles for publication in the press, presented at numerous conferences, is co-author of The Company Director’s Handbook, contributed a chapter to SAICA’s Green II. She was also a member of the IOD Sustainable Development Forum, the Integrated Reporting Committee of South Africa (IRCSA) Working Group and the NBI’s Advisory Committee on Environment and Sustainability.  Currently she is a board member of the IRCSA and a member of the King sub-committee on climate change.


Denys Denya, Executive Vice President – Finance, Administration and Banking Services, Africa Export-Import Bank


Robert Lewis, Managing Associate, Mishcon de Reya