Belén Satorre, Associate Director, ESG – Human Rights, S-RM

Belén runs S-RM’s dedicated human rights practice, providing practical and strategic support to clients in line with international best practice. She has more than a decade of experience, including advising luxury goods clients on diverse ESG reporting frameworks and how to mitigate risks across their value chains. Her proficiency lies in the strategic management and execution of human rights and ESG strategies for both private and non-profit organisations. In addition to her private sector work, Belén has also taken varied roles for UNHCR and UNESCO in Costa Rica, the Washington DC based think thank The Center for American Progress (CAP),  and The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) conducting border research in Mexico and Ecuador.

She holds a MSc in International Migration and Public Policy from The London School of Economics (LSE), a MA in Responsible Management and Sustainable Economic Development from the United Nations University for Peace and a first class Journalism degree from the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). She has been an active speaker at The London School of Economics about ‘Women in Human Rights’ and other sustainability topics across European and Latin American universities and for the Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability.


James Agin, Managing Principal Corporate and Investment Banking, Absa Bank Kenya


Keri Leicher, Group Head - Security Information Services, Castor Vali