Alex Simalabwi, Non-Executive Director, Africa GreenCo

Alex Simalabwi is Africa GreenCo’s Non-Executive Director and is the Executive Secretary of the Global Water Partnership (GWP) Southern Africa, Head-Africa Coordination Unit and Global Head of Climate Resilience for GWP’s global HQ in Stockholm, Sweden. Alex is an international development professional with extensive expertise in water resources management, climate change adaptation, economic development, finance, investment strategy design and public policy. Through his career he has developed large water, climate development and investment programmes implemented across 60 countries spanning four continents in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America and Caribbean, and leveraging over 1.2 billion investments. He has developed strong global partnerships and collaborated with various international agencies including the joint UN-World Bank High Level Panel on Water comprising 11 heads of states, UNDP, UNICEF, UNEP, UNFCCC, Green Climate Fund, GEF, FAO, WMO, AfDB, ADB, IADB, African Union, SADC, DBSA. He has supported over 20 countries in Africa to develop investment programmes and integrate water into national economic development. He is graduate of University of Zambia in engineering, MBA from Wales University and a Masters in Public Administration from Harvard University.


Shahab Mossavat, Gapuma


Quentin De Hoe, Senior Investment Officer, EDFI ElectriFI