Facilitating digital connectivity in Africa – A Fireside Chat with African Tech Giants
Africa is developing at a blistering pace. The continent’s demand for data, access to the internet and applications has increased exponentially. The digital transformation that has accelerated over the past few years during the pandemic has proven that Africa is a unique growth market with over 1.2 billion people.
However, large swaths of Africa lack the base layer digital infrastructure to support the demand for data and digital growth. Only 28% of the population have access to the internet. Building access to high-speed digital connectivity will be critical to drive the growth of consumer applications, fintech and business solutions. Undersea cables, towers, fibre and data centres are all needed for businesses and particularly technology companies to tap into the African market.
We are looking forward to hearing from the giants in the industry to hear their experiences, future plans, predictions and the measures they have put into place for their companies.
The member reception will be hosted on the top floor of Portside, RMB’s Cape Town office.
Parking is available
Entrance to the parking is on Mechau Street.
Register here:
Head of TMT Advisory | Rand Merchant Bank
Head of Africa & Middle East: Network Investments | Meta