INSEAD - How to drive successful cryptocurrency business when nobody trusts it

Kiana Shek owns an international cryptocurrency exchange - DigiFinex, with over 4 million registered users worldwide. With over US$1 Billion in revenue since its establishment, DigiFinex provides a one-stop digital crypto-assets investment platform. She is an accomplished entrepreneur in the blockchain industry and has experience in banking, telecommunications, big data and AI technology in companies such as Baidu and HKBN. She is seasoned in managing teams across Asia and overseas, with extensive exposure across Europe and the Middle East. Kiana has a proven track record in government relations and business negotiations. She is also a graduate of the INSEAD Global Executive MBA.

During the session, she will share her experience of a successful career change - from a banker to cryptocurrency exchange founder in 5 years. What’s the shortcut? What inspired her to transit to the blockchain industry when no one else trusts it? What are her challenges? How did she tackle her ups and downs and build resilience alongside? Please register below to confirm your participation. In addition, you will be given an introduction to our INSEAD Degree Programmes.


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