Gabon Virtual DealRoom will connect investors with opportunities in the Commonwealth’s newest Central African member using Asoko Insight’s proven technology

London – Gabon’s Ministry of Investment Promotion, Public-Private Partnerships and Asoko Insight are pleased to announce their partnership to develop the Gabon Virtual DealRoom, a virtual platform connecting global investors with opportunities from across Gabon’s dynamic economy.

Private investment is a key lever to Gabon’s economic development strategy, as outlined in the Transformation Acceleration Plan, a three-year, $6 billion program expected to be largely financed through foreign and domestic direct investment and public-private partnerships. The Gabon Virtual DealRoom will facilitate investment flows by providing international investors with a highly efficient one-stop information centre for B2B matchmaking.

Benefiting from a stable and business-friendly environment, the Central African nation is an ideal gateway to a regional market of 180 million consumers. Opportunities exist across a wide range of industries, with energy, health and education, as well as productive sectors such as timber, fisheries, agriculture and services being priority sectors on the DealRoom.

The platform will leverage Asoko Insight’s proven technology to connect investors with scalable Gabonese projects in a secure and transparent environment to facilitate more efficient deal-making. Over the last two years, Asoko has created a vibrant opportunity marketplace on its Digital Engagement Platform, facilitating connections between African businesses and global and regional stakeholders offering financing and business support services.

By providing investors with reliable and up-to-date information on various investment projects from the government and the private sector, the DealRoom aligns with Gabon’s efforts to develop relationships with existing and new commercial partners following its joining of the Commonwealth in June this year.

The digital platform will be presented at the "UK-Francophone West and Central Africa Trade and Investment Forum" to be held in London on 19-20 October 2022. Speaking about the Gabon Virtual DealRoom project, Mr. Hugues Mbadinga Madiya, Minister of Investment Promotion and Public-Private Partnerships, said: "Two days after the flag-raising ceremony at the Commonwealth headquarters, in the presence of the President of the Republic, Head of State, His Excellency Ali Bongo Ondimba, the launch of this digital platform sends a strong signal to investors,” adding that, “it is an innovative partnership for our country. The acquisition of this digital tool makes it possible to promote investments and gives greater visibility to investment projects. It also allows for fluidity of information in terms of programmes, reforms and opportunities, as well as data on the profile of investors. All of this will result in a faster investment process, which will have the advantage of building Gabon’s reputation as a business destination and of increasing the flow of FDI in Gabon.”

Rob Withagen, co-founder and CEO of Asoko Insight, said, “Gabon’s business environment offers a wealth of opportunities to investors, and the government’s commitment to easing the operating environment, through innovative initiatives such as the Gabon Virtual DealRoom, is indicative of its seriousness in working with the private sector to meet its development goals. We are pleased to put our technology and experience in digitising deal-making to use in support of this endeavour.”

Visit the DealRoom to view live deals here.

About Asoko Insight

Asoko Insight is Africa’s leading corporate data and engagement platform, providing global investors, multinationals, development institutions and governments with the most effective route to discover, shortlist and engage their target universe of African companies.

About Gabon’s Ministry of Investment Promotion and Public-Private Partnerships Created on February 28, 2013, the ministry’s main missions are: the development of appropriate strategies to attract domestic and foreign private investment in Gabon; the implementation of balanced public-private partnerships between the state and private, national and foreign investors, relating to programmes and projects of national strategic interest and the strengthening of the competitiveness of the business environment in order to make it favourable to private initiatives.


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