Roland Siller to become new CEO of DEG Management Board

Roland Siller to become new CEO of DEG Management Board

* Siller to succeed Christiane Laibach, who will join the KfW Group Executive Board effective 1 June 2021

* New CEO to take office on 15 July 2021

* Until then, the two Management Board members Philipp Kreutz and Monika Beck head DEG

Roland Siller will be the new CEO of DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH. After consulting DEG's Supervisory Board on 27 May, 2021, KfW Group, as the shareholder of DEG, decided to appoint him for three years. He will succeed Christiane Laibach, who will join the KfW Group Executive Board effective 1 June 2021. Laibach has been on the DEG Management Board since 2015. She became Chair of the Management Board in July 2018 and CEO in November 2019.

Roland Siller will take up his new duties at DEG on 15 July 2021. Until then, DEG is headed by the two Management Board members Monika Beck and Philipp Kreutz. Kreutz has been member of the DEG Management Board since 2008, Beck since 2018.

"We are very pleased that with Roland Siller we have appointed a very experienced and internationally networked expert in the field of development cooperation as new CEO of the DEG Management Board," said KfW Executive Board Member Dr Ingrid Hengster.

Roland Siller has worked for KfW since 1993 and has extensive experience in the field of Financial Cooperation with developing countries and emerging economies. For two years he was seconded to the French Development Bank Agence Francaise de Développement (AfD). He has held various management positions at KfW Development Bank since 2000 and became a member of the Management Committee in 2012. Since 2019 he has been in charge of Strategy, Policy and Latin America.

Roland Siller holds a master degree in business administration and political science from the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany). He graduated from the Postgraduate Programme of the German Development Institute (DIE) and the Advanced Management Program at Wharton Business School.

Caption: Roland Siller, designated CEO of the DEG Management Board Photo credits: KfW-Bildarchiv / Alex Habermehl

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